A Guide to Working From Home

Most of the individuals who have told me they are enjoying working from home, only felt that way for a few days. Now, folks are feeling trapped. It doesn’t have to be this way! Be mindful of what you need and follow these tips to stay energized and productive during your work day.

Make Time to Eat

This sounds straightforward, but I have fallen into this trap before. You make some coffee, answer some emails, do a small edit on a logo for a branding project, start working on a new page for a website; before you know it, it’s noon and you haven’t eaten anything. Be nice to yourself, you will work best that way.

Set the Phone Upside Down

My iPhone tells me how much screen time I consumed each week. Since we’ve all been quarantined, my screen time has gone up quite a bit. Now more than ever I have had to physically set my phone to the side and upside down. We need a pause from all the memes and hysteria to get stuff done.

Get Ergonomic

If you are able to afford a standing desk, I highly recommend it. It changes the game. From the second you set it up and get situated within your workspace, you will feel the difference. Blood flow circulation and posture improve and you feel more productive, and you’re able to dance listening to the new Childish Gambino album while writing blog posts.


Let’s not overthink this! Outside is not cancelled, getting up and going for a walk while moving your body and getting fresh air is going to be very, very important in these times. Now’s the time to reclaim some energy usually spent elsewhere and direct it inwards. Whether you are aiming for ten pushups every hour for a day or becoming a calisthenics freak, be intentional with the time you spend making sure your physical health is in check because that will help fight off any sickness, present or future.

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