Picture of several media devices and apps

Digital Media—Welcome to the New World


Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I sat down to write a thoughtful piece about Promote Local’s experience in digital marketing. The good part about this is that we’ve tried many things, worked with a number of clients with a number of needs, and learned a lot more about what works in digital marketing. 

In 2019, consider if your business could benefit from one of these three proven strategies:

Pre-plan social media content 

Can you make time once a week, a month, or a quarter to sit down and plan campaigns and content for your digital media channels? The more time you spend with a larger plan, defining deliverables, and defining key performance indicators, the better your content will perform. Take time NOW to work on digital marketing strategy for 2019.

Use video! 

Social media algorithms, Google search algorithms, and most importantly, human beings who may be your customers love video. We have reached a time where everyone has a fairly high quality camera on their cell phone. Try to think of three instances this year where video could increase your success online—maybe for a fundraiser, new project, or employee recruitment.

Drop print ads

How much are you paying for page 32 of your industry magazine? Take 3/4 of this budget and use it on social media advertising. Facebook and Instagram ads are cheap and effective.

These aren’t new concepts, but they are the strategies that I see used the least that should be part of the foundation of marketing plans. Have questions about how to get started on a marketing plan? Want examples of good video content for social media? Head over to our Facebook where we’re taking things up a notch and leading by example.


