Picture of woman smiling using her laptop at a cafe

Promote Your Event on Social Media…It’s Important! 


Promote Your Event on Social Media…It’s Important! 

We are living in the age of social media! Gone are the days of checking your local newspaper for upcoming events…for most people that is! 

According to a study done in 2020 by wearesocial.com , 3.8 billion people are using social media daily. Technically, that means that your event could be seen by 3.8 billion people as opposed to the small fraction of individuals who are still picking up, let alone reading your local newspaper. 

Aside from getting in front of your ideal audience, sharing your event on social media also allows you to connect with your attendees on a more personal level. This can be done through posts, graphics, videos, and stories.

Social media is categorized as a many-to-many communication method. Utilizing this communication method means that your attendees can communicate back to your organization. They can comment and tell you how excited they are, share it with their friends, or tag other individuals who might be interested. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to foster connections and grow excitement around your event!

A few quick tips: 

  • Start sharing your event at least a month in advance. 
  • Utilize an event hashtag. 
    • Hashtags make things searchable. Promoting a hashtag alongside your event will allow people to share their experiences at your event, view others experiences, and allow the organization to view attendees posts about the event without being tagged. 
  • Post more than once about the event! 
    • Posting continually about the event will allow attendees to build excitement for the event to come. 

Now get out there and share your event on social media! The people are waiting! 
